Qily Sensor Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. is engaged in the production and sales of safety light curtains, punch protection light curtains, measuring light curtains, customizing different shape gratings, regional light curtains, and providing OEM light curtain processing.

Qily Sensor Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
China's leading industrial safety / inspection / measurement light curtain manufacturer

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How to debug before using the safety light curtain
Times:2018-10-08    Hits:494  
In the industrial production carried out by many companies, it is now equipped with protective measures such as safety light curtains, which can greatly reduce accidents, not only protect the safety of employees, but also protect enterprises from this loss.
In the industrial production carried out by many companies, it is now equipped with protective measures such as safety light curtains, which can greatly reduce accidents, not only protect the safety of employees, but also protect enterprises from this loss. However, after installing the safety light curtain, it is not directly usable, and a debugging work is required. The specific methods include the following aspects.

First, check the nameplate
Since the safety light curtain needs to be energized to be able to work, it is necessary to check the markings marked on the relevant parts of the product before the date of providing the power supply and related conditions, and must comply with the power supply and voltage requirements on the nameplate. The operation. At the same time, after installing the safety light curtain, you should also do a comprehensive inspection to see if the connected parts are correct and secure, and you can energize the debugging work after you have made sure that it is correct.

Second, the light debugging
Because the principle of the operation and function of the safety light curtain itself is done through the light source induction, it is important to work on the light when working in the supermarket. When debugging the safety light curtain, including the position of the light receiver, etc., so that the entire system can be correctly aligned with the corresponding position and balanced so that the green light above the safety light curtain can be turned on to indicate that it can be used normally. .

Third, check and test again
Put the safety light curtain switch in the "protection" position, block each beam of light, the light (green) indicator on the receiver and controller is off, the blackout (red) indicator is on; when the light is on, the punch protector is received And the light (green) indicator on the controller is on, and the black (red) indicator is off. Then put the lock switch in the "non-guaranteed" position, the clear (green) indicator on the safety light curtain controller is always on, the non-guaranteed (yellow) indicator is flashing; the indicator on the receiver and controller is the same as " The same in the "protected" state, the photo protector is in a normal state.

The above are several aspects of the specific method of debugging before using the safety light curtain. In addition, it should be confirmed that the distance and height position of the punch protector are correct. At the same time, Dongguan safety light curtain manufacturers also reminded that it is necessary to check whether the screws of each part of the equipment are firm. In particular, the mounting screws of the protector must be confirmed again to ensure reliable operation.